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This canal with 36 monuments is the canal between the Prinsengracht and the Lijnbaansgracht. Well-known residents such as Hendrick van Uylenburgh, art dealer and painters Govert Flinck (1615-1660) and George Breitner (1857-1923) lived on this canal at the time. Multatuli has made the Lauriergracht gain eternal fame by having the main character Droogstoppel, from the world-famous book Max Havelaar, be housed on this canal. The Lauriergracht was previously called Caetsbaangracht.

Max Havelaar

Multatuli (pseudonym for Eduard Douwes Dekker) started his book Max Havelaar with the famous text: "Ik ben makelaar in koffie en woon op de Lauriergracht No 37" (I am a coffee broker and live at No 37 Lauriergracht). Eduard Douwes Dekker has made a deep impression on later generations with the book, which also contains the special story of Saidjah and Adinda. According to a business card in the book, the fictional coffee broker 'Last & Co' is located at this address. At the time, a monastery was located here and therefore no coffee brokerage; yet there is a sign next to the door on the house that now stands, with the name of the coffee merchant on it.

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